
Showing posts from October, 2022

Read HOW TO BE A Software Developer .

Thank you, Melania, for your extraordinary love and profound care for America’s children. War places a heavy burden on our Nation’s extraordinary military families, especially spouses like Amy Williams from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and her 2 children — 6-year-old Elliana and 3-year-old Rowan. Amy works full time, and volunteers countless hours helping other military families. For the past 7 months, she has done it all while her husband, Sergeant First Class Townsend Williams, is in Afghanistan on his fourth deployment to the Middle East. Amy, your family’s sacrifice makes it possible for all of our families to live in safety and peace — we thank you. Tragically, there are many cities in America where radical politicians have chosen to provide sanctuary for these criminal illegal aliens. Every day, America’s men and women in uniform demonstrate the infinite depths of love that dwells in the human heart. With every action, my Administration is restoring the rule of law and re-asser